Professor Mike Grocott

Term of office as Vice-President
September 2019-2020
Term of office on Council
Term of office as Trustee
University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust
Beginning his second term on Council, Professor Mike Grocott is the Professor of Anaesthesia and Critical Care Medicine at the University of Southampton, consultant in Critical Care Medicine at University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust, director-designate of the Southampton NIHR Biomedical Research Centre (2020-2027) and an NIHR Senior Investigator (2018-26). He served as vice-president of the College (2019-20) and is deputy-chair of the national Centre for Perioperative Care (CPOC). He was previously chair of the Education Training and Examinations Board (2018-19).
Mike graduated from St George’s in 1992 and was appointed senior lecturer at UCL in 2005. He was the founding director of the NIAA Health Services Research Centre (2011-2016), chaired the National Emergency Laparotomy Audit (2012-2017) and served on the board of the Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine (2014-17). He chairs the board of the National Institute of Academic Anaesthesia (2018-2022) and was formerly the NIHR CRN national specialty group lead for Anaesthesia, Perioperative Medicine and Pain (2015-20). He is an adjunct professor of Anaesthesia at Duke University, North Carolina, USA and an honorary professor at University College London.
He lives in the New Forest with his wife, Denny – anaesthetist, intensivist and perioperative physician – and with three young children and a chocolate working cocker spaniel.
If he wasn’t working in anaesthesia, Mike would be heading for the mountains (again).
Register of Interests
- Director of the Evidenced Based Perioperative Medicine (EBPOM) Community Interest Company. Received honoraria for speaking and / or travel expenses from: Baxter; Fresenius-Kabi, Edwards Lifesciences, BOC Medical (Linde Group), Ely-Lilly Critical Care, Cortex GmBH
- Leads the Xtreme-Everest Oxygen Research Consortium which has received unrestricted grant funds from: John Caudwell, BOC Medical (Linde Group), Ely-Lilly Critical Care, Smiths Medical, Deltex Medical, London Clinic, Rolex, Royal Free Hospital Charity, University College London Hospitals Special Trustees
- With others, runs a number of educational meetings through the EBPOM Community Interest Company and these meetings have sponsorship from multiple industry partners declared on a meeting-by-meeting basis
- Received research grants paid to my institution (UoS/UHS/UCL/UCLH) from: National Institute of Health Research, Medical Research Council, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, National Health Service England, National Institute of Academic Anaesthesia, National Lottery Coronavirus Community Support Fund, British Lung Foundation, Intensive Care Foundation, Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland, Sir Halley Stuart Trust, Great Ormond Street Charity, AAIR Charity, Francis and Augustus Newman Foundation, The Down Syndrome Trust, Edwards Lifesciences Ltd, Sphere Medical Ltd, Pharmacosmos Ltd
- Chair and Director, Xtreme Everest Oxygen Research Consortium; Joint-Lead, Fit-4-Surgery research collaboration; Joint Editor in Chief, Perioperative Medicine; Secretary, International Board of Perioperative Medicine; Vice-President, CPX International; Treasurer, International Prehabilitation Society.