Dr Sophie Jackman

Term of office on Council
March 2024 – 2028
Addenbrookes Hospital, Cambridge
I am a CT4 anaesthetics fellow currently out of training whilst I apply for dual ST training in anaesthetics and ICM. Previously I completed core anaesthetic training in Thames Valley and I am looking to continue my training in the East of England where I am in an ICU fellowship year at Addenbrookes Hospital, Cambridge.
I am particularly interested in regional anaesthesia, ICM, obstetric anaesthesia and equal access of opportunity in anaesthesia training. I have conducted previous research from a local to an international level in investigating how men and women experience regional anaesthetic training differently. To this end, I am also a member of the #thisgirlblocks international social media campaign to promote women in regional anaesthesia.
All aspects of medical training and teaching interest me and I love to teach, pre- and post-graduate, anaesthetics or otherwise.
Outside of anaesthesia I enjoy overly complicated board games, dungeons and dragons, cycling and attempting to learn the piano. Cheese (the eating of) also ranks highly on my list of pastimes.
Register of Interests
I am a committee member of the #thisgirlblocks social media campaign to promote female representation and involvement in regional anaesthesia. This is a voluntary role in my spare time for which there is no renumeration except a warm fuzzy feeling of doing something good.