Dr Sarah Ramsay

Dr Sarah Ramsay
Council Member



Term of office on Council

First Term: March 2018-2024

Second Term: March 2024-2028

Term of office as Trustee

First Term: March 2018-2024

Second Term: March 2024-2028


Queen Elizabeth University Hospital, Scotland


Dr Sarah Ramsay works in Glasgow as a consultant in Anaesthesia and ICM and recognises the value of cohesion between her specialties. She has recently finished a three term as the Chair of the RCoA Scottish Board and continues to sit on the Scottish Board.

Sarah also has experience of working on national bodies, having been Honorary Secretary of the Scottish Intensive Care Society and more recently Honorary Secretary of the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges and Faculties in Scotland, which is building important links between medical specialties and key senior figures in Scottish healthcare. 

Sarah's passion is to provide a strong voice for Scottish Fellows and Members and to ensure that the similarities, and differences, met across the UK in the broad specialty of anaesthesia, intensive care and pain medicine are effectively represented.

Register of Interests

  • None declared.