2021 Annual Review: summarised financial statements

Financial Statements

Statement of financial activities for the year ended 30 June 2021.





Income 11,857 11,031
Expenditure 11,700 11,949
Operating Surplus 157 (918)
Fixed Assets 14,907 14,955
Investments 18,119 16,447
Current Assets (Stock, Cash, Debtors) 6,756 6,207
Current Liabilities (Creditors) (6,010) (5,199)
Long Term Liabilities 0 0
College Balance Sheet Net Worth 33,772 32,410
Endowment Funds 6,222 5,449
Restricted Income Funds 1,742 1,493
Unrestricted – Designated Funds 15,849 18,765
Unrestricted – General Funds 9,959 6,703
  33,772 32,410


Annual Review: income figure
Annual Review 2021 College Expenditure
Annual Review College Fixed Assets 2021

Staffing numbers

  2021  2022
Communications and External Affairs 20 16
Clinical Quality and Research 21 21
Education, Training & Examinations 35 39
Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine 7 7
Faculty of Pain Medicine 4 5
Other departments 34 31
Total 121 119

Staffing costs in 2021 were £6,241k (2020: £5,635k

Report by the trustees on the summarised financial statements

The summarised financial statements above are an extract from the full statutory trustees’ annual report and financial statements, which the trustees approved and signed on 13 October 2021. The full financial statements, on which the auditors Crowe U.K. LLP gave an unqualified audit report on 28 October 2021, have been submitted to the Charity Commission.

These summarised financial statements may not contain sufficient information to gain a complete understanding of the financial affairs of the charity. The full statutory trustees report, financial statements and auditors’ report are available on the College website.