The Anaesthetic Impact Calculator

In anaesthesia, a mobile app has been developed by Dr Tom Pierce, Environmental Advisor to the President, to help clinicians understand the impact of regularly used gases (including sevoflurane, isoflurane and desflurane). The Anaesthetic Impact Calculator allows clinicians to calculate and compare the CO2e of inhaled anaesthesia agents and carrier gases.
The Anaesthetic Impact Calculator app is available free in both iOS and Android versions. The instructions for use are on the Help page. The current iteration has been modified to calculate the CO2e of volatile anaesthesia when ETcontrol is being used in conjunction with an Aladin Cassette.
The calculator is badged with the Association of Anaesthetists.
Environment and sustainability
It is widely accepted that current use of global resources is not sustainable without compromising the wellbeing of future generations. Therefore, the College and anaesthetists must minimise the environmental impact of our lives and work.
Sustainability Strategy 2019–2022
The College works to promote the highest standards of perioperative care for patients as described in the College Strategic Plan 2018-2021. We are committed to embedding sustainability in everything we do.