Let's celebrate our exceptional colleagues!
Our honours, awards and prizes recognise outstanding achievements in the fields of anaesthesia or relevant science, critical care medicine or pain medicine. Nominations now open.
Welcome to the Royal College of Anaesthetists
Anaesthesia is the largest single hospital specialty in the NHS. We are the professional body responsible for the specialty throughout the UK.
We're here to support your needs. Find out more about:
Find out more about what we do
Training and careers
We're responsible for setting recruitment, training and assessment standards. This is how we're able to attract and then support the best doctors from medical schools.
The Fellowship of the Royal College of Anaesthetists (FRCA) examination tests the knowledge, skills, behaviours and attitudes required by anaesthetists in training.
The College supports the funding, development and delivery of high quality healthcare research.
Ways you can support our work
We are the third largest medical royal college in the UK by membership. With 24,000 Fellows and Members, we represent the three specialties of anaesthesia, intensive care and pain medicine.
We keep our fellows and members up-to-date with the latest news from the College and speciality via the Bulletin magazine and regular newsletters as well as providing free access to key academic journals.
Get involved
Your College thrives because of its strong and active membership. As we are keen to involve you in our work to help shape future strategy, we've created numerous volunteering roles for fellows and members within the College.
Latest news
Update on implementation of the 2023 EGM resolutions
We would like to update you on the most recent decisions and outputs from our ongoing work to implement the EGM resolutions, following our last update in May 2024 and Council and Board of Trustee meetings in July.
ACSA - Celebrating 10 years of anaesthetic excellence
This week marks the 10th anniversary of the first Anaesthesia Clinical Services Accreditation (ACSA) by the College.
RCoA response to racist and Islamophobic violence
At the Royal College of Anaesthetists, we have been shocked and horrified by the recent racist and Islamophobic violence that has taken place in the UK in the past week, and we condemn it in the strongest terms.
Upcoming events
Anaesthesia 2025
Our Anaesthesia 2025 flagship conference will take place in Belfast and online in May 2025 for three days.
Winter Symposium 2024
Attend our two-day annual winter symposium to connect with experts in anaesthesia and enjoy a lively mix of lectures, debates and awards. Join us in London or online.
Membership provides a variety of benefits to both you as an individual member, but also to the specialty of anaesthesia.