Access to training opportunities
Dear Colleagues,
The College continues to advocate for doctors in training to have prioritised access to the best possible training opportunities. This position was made clear throughout the process surrounding the Extraordinary General Meeting in October, and in our update statement of December 2023.
This letter follows on from a communication we sent in July 2023 outlining the College’s approach to issues raised around training, recruitment and training capacity within departments and the supervision of anaesthetists in training.
We are writing to reaffirm the perspective of the Training, Curriculum and Assessment Committee that one of the key roles of the College is to support the training of physician anaesthetists, and that doctors in training should be given priority over anaesthesia associates (AAs) in their exposure to training opportunities.
We also want to outline the mechanisms available to anaesthetists in training and trainers if they find this is not the case or have any other concerns about training capacity and potential loss of training opportunities. If an anaesthetist in training, their educational supervisor or their College Tutor has any concerns about their ability to access training opportunities, we request that they escalate their concerns. If escalation is required, the enclosed flowchart outlines the steps each individual should take.
Since our July communication, the College has made clear its intention to request a pause in the recruitment of new, student AAs, subject to consideration of forthcoming legal advice. However, we also enclose the principles of a training capacity assessment from our draft guidance on introducing AAs in recognition that it may be helpful for departments in other contexts. In addition, departments that already employ AAs may wish to use this guide to reassess their current situation.
As a College we remain committed to ensuring high quality training for anaesthetists in training. To this end we would support and encourage anaesthetists in training or trainers who wish to raise concerns from within a department that has exceeded its capacity to train all learners.
Dr Sarah Thornton
Elected Council Member,
Co-chair, Training, Curriculum and Assessment Committee
Dr Jon Chambers
Bernard Johnson Adviser for Training,
Co-chair, Training, Curriculum and Assessment Committee
Enclosed: Escalation flowchart
Attached with covering email: Principles of a training capacity assessment