Milestones and Certificates for LLP users

There are currently seven milestones on LLP. Each milestone is required to be signed off by supervisors.  

  1. Initial Assessment of Competence(IAC): The IAC is a Summative Assessments for the initial periods of training in Anaesthetics. 
  2. Initial Assessment of Competence in Obstetric Anaesthesia (IACOA): The IACOA is a Summative Assessments for the initial periods of training in obstetric anaesthesia. 

During this training period, SLEs, personal activities, and personal reflection – as well as a Multiple Trainer Report – can be used by the anaesthetist in training to demonstrate their progress until they reach a point where they can be entrusted to carry out the activity with more distant supervision. 

To complete the IAC and IACOA on the platform, the anaesthetist in training will need to: 

  1. Link SLEs to and sign off the relevant EPA HALOs. For eg, signed off EPA 1 and EPA 2 for the IAC
  2. Link a completed Multiple Trainer Report in the certificate
  3. Link Personal Activities, with the activity type "Simulation training", to the IAC or IACOA milestone 

The Milestones section on LLP only shows certificates completed on the platform on the current curriculum. Anaesthetists in training who completed the certificate on paper/PDF, or on a different curriculum, will need to upload the document as a Personal Activity. The certificate will not appear hyperlinked in the Milestones and Certificates section, but they will appear in the ESSR. 

3 &4. Equivalence Stage 1b and Equivalence Stage 2b – These milestones are for users on the 2021 curriculum who were previously on the 2010 curriculum and require to complete gaps in training for 2021 ANAES curriculum. EQ1A and EQ2B is found on the 2010 curriculum.  - These milestones will not be in function in 2025. More information will be posted in the upcoming weeks.

To find out more please visit this webpage.  

5&6&7 : Stage 1 Milestone, Stage 2 Milestone and Stage 3 Milestone: These certificates should be used to evidence completion of each stage. These will require signoff College tutor or designated Consultant and Regional Advisor.  

Please note: it is not mandatory for Intensivists in Training or doctors working towards their CESR in ICM to complete the IAC. They can evidence attainment of the capabilities of the Anaesthetic Outcome in the ICM Curriculum (e.g. HiLLO10 (Anaesthesia)) via completing commensurate assessments to the IAC that demonstrate this, they do not need the specific IAC sign off/form in the LLP itself to do this. 

For the 2021 Anaesthetics curriculum the IAC is completed by an assessor signing off EPA1 and 2 Forms via functionality in the RCoA LLP.  The EPA workbook can be found on the following RCoA webpage (along with some other useful resources):  

For ICM Curriculum purposes, Intensivists in Training need to evidence the capabilities of the Anaesthesia HiLLO and the IAC may be a suitable piece of evidence but it is not the only way of attaining the outcome.
To demonstrate attainment of the IAC, doctors undertaking their anaesthetic placements in the ICM Curriculum can do the following: 

Paper forms for EPA 1 and 2 can be found here: EPA 1 and EPA 2 paper versions

The following video was is presented by Dr Toni Brunning and Dr Lucinda Williams in 2019 to take you creating Milestones and Certificates on the LLP.