Chapter 19: Guidelines on the Provision of Anaesthesia Services for Thoracic Procedures 2024
Wherever thoracic anaesthesia and surgery are performed there should be a resident anaesthetist available at all times.
Wherever thoracic anaesthesia and surgery are performed there should be a resident anaesthetist available at all times.
Cardiothoracic anaesthetists should be familiar with the normal physiological effects of pregnancy and the general principles of obstetric anaesthesia.
The duty anaesthetist should have a clear line of communication to the supervising consultant at all times.
The anaesthetist should consider all environmental factors when planning administration of anaesthesia or sedation.
Anaesthetists with an appropriate level of training should manage patients undergoing major elective vascular surgery.
Anaesthetists should be involved in multidisciplinary governance meetings. Perioperative outcome data should be discussed in these meetings.
Anaesthesia (and surgery) for hip fractures should be undertaken by an appropriately experienced anaesthetist (and surgeon).
Anaesthetists with an appropriate level of training should attend patients undergoing major elective vascular surgery.
Thoracic anaesthetists should be familiar with the normal physiological effects of pregnancy and the general principles of obstetric anaesthesia.