Organisations should provide up to date, reliable information resources for patients and their relatives e.g. based on literature available from the Royal College of Anaesthetists and Association of Anaesthetists.219 It should include information ...
Organisations should provide up to date, reliable information resources for patients and their relatives e.g. based on literature available from the Royal College of Anaesthetists and Association of Anaesthetists.219 It should include information about the process they will experience, and what their postoperative care will mean for them.220,221
Chapter 10: Guidelines for the Provision of Paediatric Anaesthesia Services 2024
Anaesthetists with a substantial commitment to paediatric anaesthesia should have satisfied the higher and advanced level competency-based training requirements in paediatric anaesthesia on the 2010 RCoA Curriculum or have completed the final stage of training (stage 3) and specialist interest area in the 2021 RCoA Curriculum or equivalent.3 It is recognised that anaesthetists involved in highly specialised areas such...
Chapter 9: Guidelines for the Provision of Anaesthesia Services for an Obstetric Population 2024
A system should be in place to ensure that those requiring antenatal and postnatal anaesthetic referral are seen and assessed by a senior obstetric anaesthetist, usually an autonomously practising anaesthetist, within a suitable time frame. Where the workload is high, consideration should be given to risk stratification so that not all women are required to attend in person, by using...
Chapter 9: Guidelines for the Provision of Anaesthesia Services for an Obstetric Population 2024
When the anaesthetist is informed of a request for regional analgesia (and the circumstances would be suitable for this type of analgesia) the anaesthetist should attend within 30 minutes of being informed. Only in exceptional circumstances should this period be longer, and in all cases attendance should be within one hour. There should be a clear escalation plan for instances where...