The College’s less than full time (LTFT) discount is valid for one year of membership and a new self-declaration form requesting this discount is required each year.
The College’s less than full time (LTFT) discount is valid for one year of membership and a new self-declaration form requesting this discount is required each year.
The experience and expertise of the anaesthetist assessing the patient preoperatively should be appropriate for the complexity and level of risk of the patient.46 The decision to operate on high risk patients should be made at a senior level, involving...
The experience and expertise of the anaesthetist assessing the patient preoperatively should be appropriate for the complexity and level of risk of the patient.46 The decision to operate on high risk patients should be made at a senior level, involving surgeons and those who will provide intra and postoperative care.3,14,33
In isolated units, where no anaesthetist or medical emergency team is immediately available, there should be at least one person with advanced life-support training or equivalent.2,9 A clear and agreed pathway should be in place for isolated units...
In isolated units, where no anaesthetist or medical emergency team is immediately available, there should be at least one person with advanced life-support training or equivalent.2,9 A clear and agreed pathway should be in place for isolated units to enable the patient to receive appropriate advanced medical care, including intensive care, in the event of it being required.2
Patients exhibit extremely wide variation in response to drugs used for sedation. Coupled with this uncertain pharmacodynamic response, patient access during ophthalmic surgery is often very limited and airway manipulation may be difficult should a sta...
Patients exhibit extremely wide variation in response to drugs used for sedation. Coupled with this uncertain pharmacodynamic response, patient access during ophthalmic surgery is often very limited and airway manipulation may be difficult should a state of deep sedation occur. In view of these safety concerns, administration of intravenous sedation during ophthalmic surgery should only be undertaken by an anaesthetist...
Chapter 18: Guidelines for the Provision of Anaesthesia Services for Cardiac and Thoracic Procedures 2021
Fellowship posts should be identified to allow additional training for those who wish to follow a career in cardiac or thoracic anaesthesia to help ensure there are adequate numbers of skilled anaesthetists in the specialty. These should be suitable for trainees who wish to take time out of training programmes, or for those who are post certificate of completion of...
Chapter 6: Guidelines for the Provision of Anaesthesia Services for Day Surgery 2021
Each DSU should have a clinical director or specialty lead. This will often, but not always, be an anaesthetist with some management experience. The role of the clinical director is to champion the cause of day surgery and ensure that best practice is followed. This role may involve the development of local policies, guidelines and clinical governance and should be...
Anaesthetists with a job plan that includes obstetric anaesthesia must demonstrate ongoing continuing education in obstetric anaesthesia, and continuing professional development as needed for this aspect of their work.104 Hospitals have a responsi...
Anaesthetists with a job plan that includes obstetric anaesthesia must demonstrate ongoing continuing education in obstetric anaesthesia, and continuing professional development as needed for this aspect of their work.104 Hospitals have a responsibility to enable this with local teaching where appropriate, and by facilitating access to other education and training.96,105,106