Latest news
The Royal College of Anaesthetists has launched My RCoA – a new online portal, making it easier and quicker for members of the College and/or one of our Faculties to manage their data and information.
The ballot is now open for positions on RCoA Council, with 30 candidates standing to contribute to the College and represent our members at all stages of their working lives.
A survey jointly commissioned by the Royal College of Anaesthetists (RCoA), the Association of Anaesthetists (the Association) and the British Medical Association (BMA) has launched.
The British Journal of Anaesthesia and British Journal of Anaesthesia Education are going digital
Research led by the College around the care of over 21,000 patients before, during and after emergency bowel surgery has shown an improvement in the 30-day mortality rate.
Elections for six Consultant vacancies, one SAS vacancy and one Anaesthetist in Training vacancy on the Council of the Royal College of Anaesthetists will open a week from today – Tuesday 16 November.
The Royal College of Anaesthetists and the Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine have issued a joint statement following the release of the FICM OSCE/SOE examination results.
The College gives an update on conversations it has been having with the Anaesthetics National Recruitment Office (ANRO) and Health Education England (HEE), which manages ANRO, following ANRO’s handling of recruitment information for ST3 anaesthetic training posts.
Ahead of COP26 the College is calling on hospitals and anaesthetic departments to increase their efforts to reduce the use of environmentally-damaging anaesthetic gases and switch to more sustainable options in the fight to combat the climate emergency.