Guidance for trainers on achieving regional anaesthesia outcomes in the RCoA curriculum

Published: 18/02/2025

New guidance developed by the RCoA in partnership with RA-UK will help trainers support anaesthetists in training to meet the regional anaesthesia capabilities of the curriculum in situations where clinical training opportunities are limited.

Where clinical opportunities to perform a particular block are limited, the guidance allows for Supervised Learning Events (SLEs) to be undertaken in a non-clinical situation to assess the knowledge and skills relevant to that block. 

This relies on the anaesthetist in training having previously demonstrated satisfactory clinical performance in another block at the same stage of training, so that common areas (for example consent, needling technique and communication) have been assessed in the clinical environment.

The guidance provides a straightforward process for trainers to follow and examples of evidence that could contribute to HALO sign-off at each stage of the curriculum. 

We have produced the guidance to increase fairness and ensure all anaesthetists in training have the opportunity to meet curriculum capabilities, recognising that evidence shows the availability of clinical training opportunities varies across the UK. 

The guidance is published on the RA-UK website and is also available on online Training Hub