Anaesthetics specialty recruitment 2022

Published: 29/11/2021

Plans have been established for anaesthetics specialty recruitment in 2022. This has included feedback and engagement from anaesthetist in training representatives, clinical recruitment leads for the four nations, senior trainers and multiple stakeholders involved in recruitment. These plans comply with the principles agreed by Medical and Dental Recruitment and Selection and the four statutory education bodies. The following statement outlines what is anticipated and is aimed at helping doctors planning to apply to our specialty.

CT1 Online Interview Format

There will be a 30-minute interview on an online platform.

The preferred option would be to run a three assessor station in which each assessor would be able to give a maximum of 50 marks giving the interview a maximum total score of 150 points.

However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and the potential for limited availability of assessors, the number of assessors may need to be reduced to two, with a consequent reduction in the total score to 100. This is currently the most likely scenario.

CT 1 Interview Preparation

The RCoA plan to release a presentation from recently appointed trainees to help future candidates prepare for the interview.

Before the scheduled interview date please check that your computer works with video and your microphone is enabled with the video-conferencing platform. On the day, please ensure that you have a secure and stable internet connection.

CT1 Online Interview Domains

You will be assessed and scored on a set of domains in relation to your clinical knowledge and experiences to date and your understanding of issues relevant to working in the NHS. The interview will be divided into two parts:

1. Clinical scenario (15 minutes)

2. General interview (15 minutes)

In all selection centres/regions, scores awarded during the day are reviewed by the panel, the Recruitment Lead and Clinical Lead. Any significant discrepancy in scores between assessors are highlighted and discussed.

The scoring grid can be found on the ANRO website.


Part 1 - The Clinical Scenario

This assesses the domains of decision making, team working, reflection and working under pressure. These have equal waiting and score five points each.

Candidates will be given a clinical scenario by the assessor and have two minutes to look at the information. The assessor will confirm whether the candidate has read and understood the scenario and state they are starting the interview. The clinical scenario will have information added in by the assessor at various points for the candidate to consider.


Part 2 - General Interview

This assesses the domains of commitment to specialty, reflection, qualifications & experience and involvement in either teaching, QI, audit or research. These have equal waiting and score five points each.

Candidates will be asked questions around their training to date and commitment to the specialty. Some questions will involve reflection on experiences and wider knowledge of working in the NHS and its influence on anaesthesia as a specialty.

Each assessor will also give a global rating score with a maximum of 10 marks across the whole interview. This is outlined in the scoring matrix.

ST4 Recruitment

It is anticipated that the first recruitment to ST4 will be for posts starting in February 2023. Given the current uncertainties related to the pandemic details of the interview process will be shared later in the year, but it is hoped that it will have a multiple assessor format.

The ST4 self-assessment criteria are however available and can be found on the ANRO website.

If you have any questions about the recruitment process, please email: