Anaesthetists as Educators: Simulation Unplugged

Develop your skills in simulation-based training at our AaE: Simulation Unplugged course and gain practical ideas you can put into practice in your own workplace.

381 days left

Key details

Date: 11 March 2026 | 09:00-15:00

Location: London, RCoA

Availability: Available soon

Clinical content lead(s): Dr Alistair May & Dr Alistair Hellewell

CPD credits: 5 anticipated


The Anaesthetists as Educators programme, Simulation Unplugged has been designed for those interested in developing their knowledge and skills in simulation. The course debunks simulation myths and gets back to the essentials of what you and your learners need.

This course is suitable for all anaesthetists interested in delivering simulation-based teaching and learning in their own workplace.

A faculty of simulation experts from across the UK have invested their time and energy to ensure this one-day programme is the best it can be. You will leave the course energised, with new perspectives on simulation-based education and with lots of practical ideas that will help you when you get back to your workplace.

The course debunks simulation myths and gets back to the nuts and bolts of what you and your learners need.

Topics covered:

  • application of educational theory to simulation practice
  • spectrum and scope of simulation
  • range and appropriate level of fidelity
  • techniques and requirements for effective simulation
  • resources required for a successful simulation project.

Suitable for all anaesthetists with an interest in simulation. Please note: pre-course reading / task will be required to be completed prior to attending this course.

For full details of the Anaesthetists as Educators programme please click here to be taken to their webpage.

Feedback from our October 2024 event:

'Overall an excellent event that made me rethink the way I look at simulation.'

'Very good insight into simulation as a learning tool.'

'Excellent!! The faculty were amazing!!!'


How to find us

Royal College of Anaesthetists

Churchill House

35 Red Lion Square



*Please note that the programme is subject to changes.

08.45 - 09.15 Registration and refreshments
09.15 - 09.25 Welcome and introduction
09.25 - 10.10 Pitching and group allocations
10.10 - 11.25 Part 1: Learning objectives and constructive alignment
11.25 - 11.45 Break
11.45 - 13.00 Part 2: Spectrum of simulation and fidelity
13.00 - 13.45 Lunch break
13.45 - 14.45 Part 3: Interaction with learners
14.45 - 15.00 Break
15.00 - 15.45  Part 4: Resources
15.45 - 16.15 Part 5: Relationships to 'high fidelity'
16.15 Close



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Pricing Terms and Conditions

Payment must be made at the time of booking unless otherwise stated. The RCoA, FICM and FPM are unable to hold places on events without payment. Credit or debit card payments must be made online via our card payment handler Stripe, or by phone. We do not accept purchase orders or raise invoices for places on our events. 

Discounts are available for some membership types at the rates stated below. You must be eligible for the discount both at the time of the booking and at the time of the event itself. We may ask for proof of your member status at any point. If you are unable to prove your entitlement to the discount we may charge you the full event rate, or invite you to update your membership status accordingly. In such a situation we may withhold access to the event until your updated payment clears, or your new membership status is confirmed.

To view the Event terms and conditions please click here.


The RCoA have agreed a preferential rate with the Holiday Inn, Bloomsbury. If you would like to book using the RCoA rate click the link below where you will be able to select the hotel and dates required. 

Please note: the rate per night may be increased by the hotel based on demand so we suggest booking as early as possible. Free cancellation is available up to 24 hours prior to check in. The terms and conditions are available to view on the hotel booking pages.

The RCoA accepts no responsibility for your booking or stay with the hotel. Any queries should be directed to the Hotel.

Holiday Inn, Bloomsbury - CLICK HERE to access the booking platform.