Blood transfusion during hip fracture – insights from research
On this episode of Anaesthesia on Air, Dr Joyce Yeung talks with three experts in the field, Dr Michael Gillies, Dr Rhona Sinclair, and Dr Alixe Kilgour on the Blood transfusion during hip fracture – insights from research (RESULT-Hip Trial), investigating the impact of REStrictive versUs LIberaL Transfusion strategy on cardiac injury and death in patients undergoing surgery.
They discuss the improvements they have seen, challenges encountered doing this kind of research, and what the findings so far could mean for clinical practice.
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Recorded September 2023

Associate Clinical Professor in Anaesthesia and Critical Care, University of Warwick
Joyce is an Associate Clinical Professor at the University of Warwick where she leads the Emergency, Prehospital, Perioperative and Critical Care Trials group, leading a portfolio of large clinical trials in anaesthesia, pain and critical care within Warwick Clinical Trials Unit. She is currently leading VITAL study looking at volatile versus intravenous anaesthesia in major non-cardiac surgery.
Alongside NHS and University commitments, Joyce is Director of UK Perioperative Medicine Clinical Trials Network and NIHR National Specialty Lead for Anaesthesia, Perioperative Medicine and Pain. She focuses on applied health research and clinical trials with the aim of improving perioperative patient outcomes. She is interested in resuscitation science and is a member of the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation Science (ILCOR).

Professor Michael Gillies is the joint chief investigator for the RESULT-Hip trial and is a Consultant and Honorary Professor in Critical Care at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh. Mike’s research interests include perioperative intensive care, transfusion, hemodynamic monitoring, severe respiratory failure, and clinical epidemiology. He has a research MD in the epidemiology and management of high-risk surgery. He holds an NIHR grant for a multicentre trial of perioperative transfusion following hip fracture. Mike is a Chief Scientist Office (Scotland) NRS Clinician.

Dr Rhona Sinclair is PI investigator of the RESULT-Hip trial in Newcastle. Consultant in anaesthesia and perioperative medicine at the Royal Victoria Infirmary in Newcastle Upon Tyne. She is an active clinical researcher in perioperative medicine. Rhona is involved with this trial and others at a national level and active in the RCOA Perioperative Medicine Clinical Trials network (POMCTN).

Dr Alixe Kilgour is Medicine of the Elderly Consultant in the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, working clinically in Orthogeriatrics, Frailty at the Front Door and the Major Trauma Unit.
Alixe is an Honorary Senior Lecturer at the University of Edinburgh attached to the Geriatric Medicine Unit. My current research interests are sarcopenia, frailty and the relationship between cognitive and physical ageing.
Alixe's PhD developed a novel methodology to measure neck muscle cross-sectional area on MRI brain scans, thus allowing one scan to provide a measure of both brain and muscle structure. She worked within the Centre for Cognitive Ageing and Cognitive Epidemiology (CCACE) and on the Lothian Birth Cohort 1936 Studies.