Eligibility for the Global Fellowship Scheme

Eligibility for the Global Fellowship Scheme

Applicants to the Global Fellowship Scheme must meet RCoA and GMC criteria

In order to be eligible for the GFS, you must meet the following criteria, set out by the College and the GMC:

College Criteria:

  • provide evidence of living in a High Income Country (HIC) according to World Bank definitions
  • provide evidence of at least four years within the last five years in anaesthesia / ICM training outside of the UK and European Union (although this might change in light of ongoing negotiations between the UK and EU)
  • provide evidence of a postgraduate qualification acceptable to the College
  • have your postgraduate qualification (along with their Primary Medical Degree) verified by the Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates
  • must not have British or European citizenship (including dual national status)
  • provide a written statement of intent to return to your home country upon completing the Global Fellowship Scheme placement in the UK
  • not be in possession of any part of PLAB or having attempted to sit it (please see below for further details)
  • meet all the GMC requirements below.

The General Medical Council criteria:

The GMC's minimum requirements are:

  • have a basic medical qualification acceptable to the GMC
  • have completed at least one year of an internship post (pre-registration House Officer)
  • have been qualified as a doctor for at least three years
  • have your qualifications verified by the Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates.  More information can be found on the GMC website 
  • provide evidence of being engaged in medical practice for a minimum three years of the last five years outside of the European Union, including the most recent 12 months (note that the College requirement is four years of the last five years)
  • provide evidence of good standing for the applicant's local Medical Regulatory Council
  • demonstrate knowledge of English by obtaining an overall score of 7.5 (with minimum scores of 7.0 in each section) in speaking, listening, reading and writing in the ‘Academic/UKVI Academic’ test of the International English Language Testing System (IELTS), or a minimum grade 'B' in each testing area (speaking, listening, reading and writing) in the Medicine Occupational English Test (OET). Please note IELTS online will not be accepted and both the IELTS and OET certificates are valid for only two years
  • provide evidence of being exempt from sitting IELTS or OET as being a national of a country where English is the first and native language, and primary medical degree has been awarded from a country where English is the first and native language. A list of countries where English is the first and native country can be found here
  • must not have previously failed any part of the PLAB Test.

PLAB and Global Fellowship Scheme Eligibility:

  • a candidate who has sat and passed part 1 of PLAB over five years ago would be considered
  • a candidate who has sat and passed part 1 of PLAB between three and four years ago would be considered providing they provide a satisfactory reason for the change in route to GMC registration
  • a candidate who has sat and passed part 1 of PLAB within the last three years would not be accepted.
  • must not have previously failed any part of the PLAB Test.

Criteria for overseas qualification acceptability:

  • the postgraduate qualification must be in anaesthesia, pain medicine or intensive care medicine
  • the minimum duration of training pathway leading to the qualification is two years
  • the candidate or institution should be able to provide the RCoA with a curriculum covering the training leading to the qualification
  • the qualification must be recognised by a university or health authority in the country of operation
  • the candidate must have completed the qualification and produce a certificate from the issuing body
  • if a qualification has more than one part, the candidate must have successfully completed all parts
  • if the country of operation recognises part of the qualification as a qualification in its own right (for example, part 1 being a membership qualification and part two a fellowship qualification), the qualification may be accepted providing the curriculum meets the requirements and the minimum duration of training leading to that qualification is two years
  • the College has the final authority to decide on the acceptability of any overseas qualifications
  • acceptance onto the Global Fellowship Scheme does not necessarily grant exemption from any RCoA examinations

If you have any queries or require further information please contact us via global@rcoa.ac.uk or call us on +44 (0)207 092 1559