Remote Educational Supervisor (RES)

An RES is a trainer endorsed by the RCoA Global Partnerships Department who is appropriately trained to be responsible for the supervision and management of a named doctor’s educational progress during a training placement in a low or middle income country. The RES will help training doctors with their professional and personal development. They support training doctors to learn by reflecting on cases and taking responsibility for patient care while adhering to clinical governance and patient safety.

This role has additional logistical challenges due to likely resource limitation as well as geographical separation of the trainer/trainee. It is recommended that first meeting is before departure and follow up soon after arrival in country. An agreeable means of communication (Skype, WhatsApp, telephone, email) should be established early.


Typically available for trainees to contact approximately twice per week when remotely supervising a trainee overseas. National. No travel required.



  • Setting an appropriate Educational Agreement at the start of the placement
  • Appraisal at appropriate intervals (beginning, middle and end of placement)
  • Provide formative and finally summative feedback
  • Facilitate workplace based assessments, ie via Skype
  • Complete an end of placement review.


  • Share knowledge and experience with a junior colleague who will often be undertaking work in a low resource setting for the first time
  • Provide significant support to an individual working to improve anaesthetic training and patient experience in low and middle income countries.


  • Established UK Educational Supervisor
  • Experience working in Low to Middle Income Countries.

How to apply

Please submit a covering letter (containing your previous experience in the developing world) and your up-to-date CV to