Obituary - Dr Steven Tarquin Goulding

1961 to 2002

Consultant Anaesthetist, North Lincolnshire and Goole NHS Trust (b 1961, q St Bartholomew’s Hospital London, 1984) died 24 January 2002 following road traffic accident. He was 40-years-old.

Steve was born in Harrogate, the third of four brothers. He was a pupil at Harrogate Grammar School, where he was a back-row forward in one of the school's most successful rugby teams of recent times. He also passed enough exams to win a place at St Bartholemew's Hospital Medical School. After qualifying, he returned to the north for most of his training posts. During a spell as a registrar on the Yorkshire rotation he met his future wife Vicky (she was an lTU patient at the time).

Steve had many interests. Sport (he was a good squash player and bowled well in cricket matches with neighbouring anaesthetic departments), popular music and travel were three of his favourites. He and Vicky kept horses and other livestock on their Lincolnshire smallholding.

He was appointed consultant anaesthetist to Scunthorpe and Goole NHS Trust in 1995. From the day he arrived, Steve established good working relations with colleagues in all specialties. With his unfailing good nature, relaxed attitude and quiet charm this was an easy task. His anaesthetic work was of the highest standard. His abilities in all other areas of our work were also very high. As time passed, specific responsibilities came his way. From 1997, Steve took over as principle obstetric anaesthetist. He updated obstetric anaesthetic services and moved our rudimentary epidural service to 24-hour cover. He was our designated paediatric anaesthetist from 1998, and specified the basis of future paediatric anaesthetic practice. From 1999, he took over as College tutor and discharged this onerous duty in an exemplary fashion. He became chairman of the theatre user's committee from 2000. The anaesthetic department at Scunthorpe is not large and works very closely together. He was a central figure in, and much-loved part of, it.

Steve leaves his wife Vicky, his son William (aged 3) and his daughter Martha (aged 5). Vicky gave birth to their third child in April, eight weeks after Steve's death. The child is called Stephanie. His tragic and untimely death is hard to accept.

M Thant, JFW Thompson, R Sharawi, AJ Coe, M El Rakshy, T Samuel, T Saleh

Scunthorpe General Hospital, North Lincolnshire