Helping members comply with the Accessible Information Standard

Published: 18/12/2018

Adherence to the Accessible Information Standard means that the varying communication needs of patients should be considered when creating resources for use by the general public. As this also applies to online information to which patients may be redirected, the College has installed assistive technology software across our website through a third-party piece of software called Browsealoud. Browsealoud adds speech and reading tools to websites, making online content and PDF documents more accessible to people with a variety of accessibility needs.

Browsealoud features include:

  • text-to-speech with choice of reading speeds and highlighters to enhance reading comprehension
  • on-screen text magnifier helps users with visual impairments
  • MP3 generator converts text to audio files for offline listening
  • screen mask blocks on-screen clutter, letting readers focus on text being read
  • web page simplifier removes ads and other distracting content for easier reading.

You can find Browsealoud under the top right search bar on the College website.

In addition, the College has developed an easy read booklet to help patients and their carers understand what is involved in Having an Operation with Anaesthesia. This clearly explains difficult words, the different healthcare professionals who patients may meet in hospital, how to prepare for an operation and what to expect after surgery.

Professor Ravi Mahajan, President of the Royal College of Anaesthetists said:
We know that for many patients engagement with anaesthesia and the hospital environment can be daunting. The College recognises the need for accessible resources which help patients with additional needs and their carers understand what is involved when going to hospital for an operation and having an anaesthetic. I hope these new resources will be helpful to you in reaching and providing information to all patients you come into contact with.”

We would welcome any feedback, which can be emailed to: