Event Speaker

The College offers a wide range of educational events and other resources aimed at professionals of all levels and grades in anaesthesia, critical care pain and perioperative medicine. Events range from one-day practical workshops to three-day scientific meetings delivered by high profile national and international speakers. We welcome over 5,000 people and award over 40,000 CPD points annually across our events programme.
Are you involved in new or innovative work in anaesthesia? Would you like the opportunity to share best practice of your work or the work of your department on a national stage? Would you like the opportunity to influence key policy makers and College activity whilst raising your profile? Our event speakers are able to present on a national stage at one of our educational events, webinars, online presentations or podcasts. Typically, presentations are 25 minutes long with a 15-minute Q+A panel at the end of each session. Usually, talks are presented live with a recorded version posted on the RCoA website for members to view after the event.
Typically preparation and presentation of a 25min talk with 15mins Q+A afterwards. National, with travel.
What do we require from you?
- A summary of the expected learning outcomes of your presentation for delegate information and to help promote your talk
- A 100 word biography outlining your achievements and career to date
- A headshot photo of yourself for the promotion of your talk
- The creation of accompanying slides and / or handouts (not mandatory)
- To return materials required by the deadlines on your personalised event timeline
- Support in the promotion of your talk and the event with your peers and networks.
At the event
- To arrive at the venue in good time in advance of your session
- To present your talk, within the allocated time. The chair will be strict with lecture times to ensure sessions do not overrun
- Permission to film and record the audio of your presentation for publication on the RCoA website. (With your permission we will post the film on RCoA videos as well as our social media channels. The audio may be made into a podcast and posted on the College’s SoundCloud page).
- Permission to publish a PDF copy of your slides for delegates. (We post the PDF copy onto a secure area of our website that can only be accessed by those that have registered to attend the event)
- Review and approval of the footage of your presentation for publishing online, including on social media.
What can you expect from us?
- A full brief and timeline of what is required from you and when
- Reimbursement of travel expenses in line with the RCoA financial regulations with overnight accommodation when appropriate
- The opportunity to speak on a national stage
- A delegate place for you to attend the whole event
- A certificate of attendance at the event
- Guidance and tips on creating and delivering engaging presentations
- A summary of the delegate feedback from the event including your specific presentation.
- Your name associated with anaesthetic thought leaders and standard setters
- Access to attend the event free of charge
- Network and connect with like-minded individuals
- Raise awareness of your organisation or idea
- Certificate of attendance at the event – perfect for your revalidation
- We will work with you to get the best out of your session and provide delegate feedback
- Glean feedback from delegates on your idea or specialty through Q+A sessions
- Self-accredit CPD credits for the preparation and delivery of your lecture.
- To be FRCA and/or hold a substantive specialty doctor/SAS Grade or consultant post in the NHS or similar University appointment
- RCoA trainees will be considered for the role for appropriate events
- To currently be active in clinical practice
- Able to demonstrate relevant clinical experience
- Expertise in the subspecialty area of the event
- To have the support of your Clinical Director, line manager, supervisor or responsible officer
- This is a national role and may require travel depending on the location of the event.
Insider's View
- An Insider’s View: why become a College Event Speaker – read an interview with Associate Professor Helen Higham from the November 2020 issue of the College Bulletin here.
- Listen to the full podcast interview here.
How to apply
Please contact the events team on events@rcoa.ac.uk. To see the types of events we run, and our current programme, please visit the events pages.