Refugee Buddy

The Refugee buddying system is a joint venture between the RCoA, the Association of Anaesthetists and Refuaid.

A refugee buddy will be an anaesthetist, intensivist or pain medicine specialist who will provide informal support to a refugee anaesthetist who wishes to enter UK practice within the NHS in anaesthesia. 

We are looking for individuals to support doctors who have qualified as anaesthetists outside of the UK and also those who have completed medical training outside of the UK who are interested in specialising in anaesthesia.  Individuals will have been granted leave to remain in the UK by the home office.  These individuals will be at varying stages on their journey into anaesthetic practice in the UK including:

  • Completing International English Language Testing System (IELTS) or the Occupational English Test (OET)
  • Completing the Professional and Linguistic Assessments Board test (PLAB)
  • Been granted registration and looking to start work as an anesthetist in the UK
  • Having recently gained employment as an anaesthetist in the UK.


Volunteers who would like to become a refugee buddy should:

  • Outline areas in which they have experience, and interest in providing support (to help with the matching process)
  • Confirm that they have capacity to support a refugee doctor either remotely or face to face
  • Confirm that they are happy for their contact details to be shared with the relevant buddy and are happy to be contacted and engage in the process.


  • Share knowledge and experience with a colleague who is new to the UK and navigating  working in the UK health system for the first time


  • Individuals who have qualified outside of the UK and navigated the system in order to work in anaesthesia in the UK (preferred)
  • Have experience of working with, and providing support for refugee or International Medical Graduates while working in the UK
  • Be in good standing with the College
  • Individuals who can speak a language in addition to English (preferred)

How to apply

To apply, please complete the application form below.

In the interim, if you have any queries, please contact

Closing date for applications:  Monday 23 May 2022

Are you a licensed medical practitioner in good standing with the GMC and RCoA?
What grade is your current role?
If you are retired from clinical practice, please choose the grade of your most recent role.
College region (please select from the dropdown list)
Please select any areas of interest that you have, that you feel may be useful in being a Refugee Buddy
Please tick all that apply. Interest areas indicated will be used in the pairing process so that, where possible, refugee anaesthetists will be placed with a buddy who has experience in areas in which they have an interest and are keen to develop.
Please confirm that you are happy for your contact details to be shared with the refugee doctor with whom you are buddied and that you have capacity to provide support to this individual
Would you prefer to meet with your buddy virtually or face to face (local guidelines permitting)?
Have you undertaken equal opportunities/diversity training?
Allowed types: rtf, pdf, doc, docx

Please sign above using your mouse or finger (if using a touchscreen device).


Data Protection Statement

The Royal College of Anaesthetists (RCoA) is fully committed to the principles of data protection, as set out in the Data Protection Act 2018 (C.12). The RCoA relies on legitimate interests as the lawful basis for processing of personal data. We process and maintain personal data about you so that we can manage your membership, provide you with appropriate products and services and share information with you about RCoA activities.

We will only use your information for the purposes as described and will not pass on your details to other third parties unless you have given us consent to do so.

We use appropriate organisational and technical measures to ensure that your data are secure and protected from loss, misuse and unauthorised access or alteration.

You have the right to ask for a copy of the information we hold about you and to have any inaccuracies in your information corrected. If you have any questions about data protection or require further information, please email