FRCA Primary SOE Resources

The Structured Oral Examination consists of two parts, SOE1 (Pharmacology and Physiology) and SOE 2 (Clinical and Physics/Measurement).

Example questions of the Primary SOE can be found in The Guide to the Primary FRCA.

The Primary SOE FRCA examination videos 

The Primary video series has been designed to guide a candidate through the Primary exam. The SOE introduction video looks at the call routines, exam briefing, the exam process and structure.

The SOE example videos are designed to illustrate different aspects of performance rather than provide exact answers, so it is more the nature of the performance that you should concentrate on rather than the actual answers themselves. They should not be taken as model answers.

We hope that candidates attending the Primary SOE examinations will find the videos a useful addition to their exam preparations. 

Please note:
The videos series are intended to give an example of the usual processes used and may not be truly reflective of every candidate’s experience at the Primary exams. A mixture of real exam candidates and actors, have been used in the making of these videos and the correct dress code has not be observed throughout the modules (exam dress code is set out in the Examinations Regulations). 

RCoA Primary Examination: Introduction to the SOE and OSCE Examinations

RCoA Primary Examination: SOE Physiology Question Example

RCoA Primary Examination: SOE Pharmacology Question Example

RCoA Primary Examination: SOE Physics Question Example

RCoA Primary Examination: SOE Clinical Question Example

Candidate resources are a consolidation of the various example questions, videos, courses and guides, any of which may guide a candidate in their preparation for the various FRCA examination components.