Faculty of Pain Medicine responds to establishment of independent cannabinoid clinics

Published: 09/03/2019

In response to reports in the national media of the planned establishment of independent cannabinoid clinics in the UK, Dr Barry Miller, Dean of the Faculty of Pain Medicine said:

"The Faculty of Pain Medicine is aware that clinics are being established in the UK by companies with a direct financial interest in cannabinoids, and staffed by doctors, to offer, primarily, cannabis related treatments.

The Faculty of Pain Medicine is deeply concerned by this development, which appears in contrast to the very limited data available on the use of cannabinoids for pain management and, that these clinics are being introduced before the findings of research being undertaken by the National Institute for Clinical Excellence are published.

The Core Standards for Pain Management Services, endorsed by 12 leading authorities in pain management, sets out safe service standards for people in the UK living with chronic pain. The document clearly states the need for assessment and management to be provided in a multidisciplinary setting, with consideration given to a patient’s physical and mental wellbeing. Pain management often has several components involving the biological, psychological and social elements of the patient’s condition.  The Faculty of Pain Medicine does not support the setting up of pain clinics dedicated to the prescribing of any single substance or intervention."