Fellowship of the Royal College of Anaesthetists

The FRCA examination is an integral part of the College's programme of assessment.

The FRCA examination tests the knowledge, skills, behaviours and attitudes as defined by the anaesthetic training curriculum.

Our examination remains internationally recognised for its fairness and high standards. It has evolved to reflect contemporary best educational and assessment practice and developments in anaesthesia, intensive care and pain medicine.

The Primary FRCA OSCE/SOE due to be held in May has been rescheduled to 2-6 June 2025 and will be held at the Royal College of General Practitioners. The Final FRCA SOE will be delivered as scheduled on 16-20 June 2025 and held at the Royal College of Surgeons, London.

The FRCA examination

The FRCA examination provides anaesthetists in training with the opportunity to demonstrate the required outcomes of the curriculum and determine satisfactory progression at each critical progression point within their training programme. The FRCA examination is also open to anaesthetic doctors who are not in an approved training programme (conditions apply).

As an exam candidate, you will sit the FRCA in two parts:

Each part of the FRCA examination tests different outcomes and competencies using validated assessment methods to test a broad-spectrum of knowledge, understanding, skills, behaviours and attitudes. The exam is approved by the General Medical Council (GMC) for UK postgraduate medical training and follows the UK curricula and guidelines.

On successful completion of both the Primary and Final elements of the FRCA examination, you will become a fellow of the Royal College of Anaesthetists by examination and can use the letters FRCA after your name.

Fellowship is also a valued professional distinction for the many international students who come to the UK to sit the FRCA exam.
