Latest news

While the publication of the Welsh Government National Workforce Implementation Plan shows welcome attention to the workforce – we also believe it is, at best, only a first step towards addressing the challenges anaesthesia, and the wider health workforce face.
The College is pleased to confirm that the following candidates have been elected unopposed to the RCoA Scottish Board and the RCoA Welsh Board. Terms of office commence in February/ March 2023.
The Royal College of Anaesthetists is pleased to announce the publication of the 2023 edition of the Guidelines for the Provision of Anaesthetic Services (GPAS).
Today we are launching PatientsVoices@RCoA, our group of volunteers which supports, advises and influences the College by providing the patient perspective on its activities.
NHS Blood and Transport (NHSBT) has advised that its red cell and group A platelet stock levels are low and in a pre-amber alert status for both. It has asked all hospitals to conserve stock from 16 to 30 January 2023 to help prevent going into an amber or red alert.
We are committed to improving the calibre of our examinations, ensuring that they are delivered in line with best practice in assessment for each medical specialty. As part of that commitment, we undertake regular internal reviews of the FRCA examination, the most recent of which we have published today.  
While matters relating to terms and conditions of service are not within the remit of individual medical royal colleges or faculties, we recognise the right of doctors and other healthcare professionals to take industrial action, and we understand why many may wish to do so.